New Beginnings and Changes for the New Year-
Currently, I am still working on three different series of work. I guess I am fickle, I change every few days from one series to the next. I find this is how I work best, staying fresh, although at times it can get extremely confusing - so I journal all thoughts and colors used as I work.
The photo above shows current works in progress. I am working on a new style, incorporating more creativity, exploration and, as a result, more fun. I don't believe in staying in a "safe" place with my work, I like to constantly challenge the extremes of where it can go. Sometimes it is rewarding, at others it can be frustrating because I can turn a painting that is going well into a disaster with one "new" decision to experiment a bit more. In the end, I believe that 's what creativity is all about. Hopefully the end result will be well received! All the best....